DWDM crypting

Maximum security

Data security at the highest level.

In these uncertain times of increasing geopolitical instability, awareness of the importance of data security is growing rapidly. The demand for reliable encryption on DWDM routes is constantly increasing.

Our end-to-end encrypted DWDM service offers maximum security. This encryption available for all available bandwidths, currently up to 400 Gbps. Existing DWDM connections can be easily can be easily retrofitted with this encryption.

The encryption technology we use complies with the latest security standards. The encryption key is regularly renewed at configurable intervals, giving hackers little time to gain access.

Thanks to redundantly designed points of presence (PoP) and routing, you can choose between different security levels: simple connection, protection (simple connection with automatic switchover in the event of interruption), redundancy (dual redundant connection).

Optical Encryption Solutions

Highest reliability.

  • Maximum security for your data with our end-to-end encrypted DWDM service for all available bandwidths, currently up to 400 Gbps
  • Simple retrofitting: Existing DWDM connections can be easily upgraded with our encryption technology
  • Our encryption technology is based on the latest security standards
  • Encryption keys are renewed regularly at configurable intervals, giving hackers minimal time for attacks
  • Protection: Connection with automatic switchover in the event of an interruption
  • Redundancy: Dual redundant connection for maximum availability
  • Very short commissioning times
  • Customized and scalable solutions for your needs
  • Own 24/7 Network Operation Center (NOC) in Aarau, with emergency dispatching as NOC in Oberbuchsiten
  • Professional support for your project planning and implementation
  • Direct and personal. No call center, no endless waiting loops: With us, you speak directly to a competent contact person and can count on personal service from professionals

Thanks to our redundantly designed points of presence (PoP) and alternative routing, we offer you maximum reliability and security when transmitting your data.

Our service impresses with a combination of state-of-the-art technology and flexibility that offers you numerous advantages: maximum data security, flexible bandwidths of up to 400 Gbps and the option of upgrading existing connections simply and easily. In addition, our redundant GAS&COM infrastructure guarantees maximum reliability, while regular key updates ensure dynamic protection against attacks.

With these features, we are setting new standards for secure and reliable data communication.


The Speed of Light

