
The most secure data connection in Switzerland

GAS&COM AG’s conduit and cable systems are installed along the Swiss high-pressure natural gas pipeline system. Security along the routes is very high, and the risk of damage is extremely low. This is why GAS&COM AG is considered to be the provider with the most secure data connections in Switzerland for fibre optic communication.

Our shareholders and partners, consisting of Erdgas Ostschweiz AG (Zurich), Gasverbund Mittelland AG (Arlesheim) and GAZNAT SA (Vevey), also use our cables for their own purposes, i.e. for data transmission to monitor and control natural gas transport and distribution facilities. This ensures long-term stability, maintenance and security for these facilities.

Networked nationally and internationally

Thanks to cross-border fiber optic (LWL) connections, we are connected to companies in neighboring European countries and make our communication network available to third parties for data transmission. We work closely with local network operators throughout Switzerland, especially with local energy providers. The GAS&COM AG fiber optic network gives them the opportunity to connect their own network to the European communications network and thus offer customers capacities in their modern fiber optic network.

Secure speed of light redefined

High security standard for the transport systems

High security requirements for the operation and material deployed as well as regular, intensive checks using state-of-the-art technology guarantee a high security standard for our transport systems. High-pressure natural gas pipelines (lines with operating pressures above 5 bar) are built and operated in accordance with Swiss regulations for conduit systems transporting liquid or gaseous fuels and in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Pipelines Inspectorate (FPI). All control, safety and measuring equipment in the stations is checked at least twice a year, revised if necessary and kept up to date with the latest technology. The line corridors are checked every two weeks alternately with a land vehicle or by helicopter.




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Network Operation Center

25 years of innovative thinking and action – a decades-long success story that we owe to our customers.