
For 25 years – The operator of the safest and fastest fibre network in Switzerland.

25 years of innovative thinking and action – a decades-long success story that we owe to our customers, partners and shareholders. Thanks to your trust, we have been able to continually prove our abilities every day. We have grown to meet our challenges and we want to celebrate further successes.

Shortly before the millennium in 1999, GAS&COM AG was founded as a joint venture between Swiss natural gas companies. Its shareholders are GAZNAT SA (Vevey), Gasverbund Mittelland AG (Arlesheim) and Erdgas Ostschweiz AG (Zurich).

The most important milestones in our history


The three regional companies Erdgas Ostschweiz, Gasverbund Mittelland and GAZNAT decide to operate the backbone fibre optic network commercially and found GAS&COM AG for this purpose. A network of 6,000 kilometres is put into operation.


GAS&COM builds its own DWDM network on the existing fibre optic routes.


GAS&COM strategically establishes international interconnection points.


GAS&COM builds the first Layer 3 network and can now offer active services.


With the introduction of the new cable documentation system, all of the routes were digitised, and 3.68 million kilometres of optical fibres have been laid to date.


GAS&COM opens a new location in Liechtenstein to better serve the region.


GAS&COM’s DWDM network is completely renewed. Thereafter, up to 48TB per fibre pair can be transferred.


First international connections are implemented. GAS&COM now also offers lines to neighbouring countries.


GAS&COM launches its latest product SWISS DATACENTER LINK to provide a redundant and high-performance data centre connection for the whole of Switzerland. GAS&COM expands into French-speaking Switzerland and opens a new location in Vevey.


GAS&COM upgrades its entire Layer 3 network with the very latest technology and also offers its own Swiss-wide MPLS network.


(DE) Cloud Connect Service. Regional betreut, landesweit vernetzt. Mit dem hochverfügbaren Datacenter-Interconnect von GAS&COM sind unsere Kunden schnell und zuverlässig an die grössten Datacenter der Schweiz angebunden.

25 years of innovative thinking and action – a decades-long success story that we owe to our customers.