Dark Fiber
GAS&COM Dark Fiber – Connect your sites using dedicated fibre-optic lines
Underground cabling of our Dark Fibers along the Swiss natural gas pipelines means highest security and alternative routes to other corridors. Intercity networks offer you the benefits of direct routes without any detours.
The access into the cities are realised with rings, dedicated data centre links or connections directly to strategic buildings. State-of-the-art cabling and optimal routing optimise our attenuation values and support all generations of network equipment.
Do you need multiple fibre pairs or reserve capacities? No problem. Our cables have 216 or even 432 fibres.
The wide range of ring and star topologies enable redundant, non-crossing secondary routes with separate building lead-ins, making failures virtually impossible. And if our infrastructures are not enough to implement a solution, we maintain relationships with our backbone partners.
Does your connection need to terminate in a different country? Also, this is no problem – our multiple interconnection points at the borders to Germany, France, Austria and Liechtenstein allow us the interconnection to international network partners.
Secure. Fast. Customised.
- Underground routing via secured corridors along the natural gas pipelines offers unparalleled security
- New generation G652d cables are upward compatible to support your network equipment
- Minimum failure rate
We own 100% of all assets, which are exclusively housed in Switzerland - A personal, specialised contact is available to assist with your requests
- Complete and digitized documentation and detailed measurement reports
- Few splices along the routes for low attenuation and low latency values
- Large number of fibre capacity for higher demand
- Customised and scalable solutions to meet your needs
- Dedicated 24/7 Network Operation Center (NOC) in Aarau with emergency dispatching as NOC in Oberbuchsiten
- Professional support for your project planning and implementation
Thanks to our excellent relationship with our shareholders, their industrial and public utilities as well as partnerships with other Dark Fiber providers we can reach even remote locations quickly and easily.
We help our customers to ensure their ecosystem is running smoothly. And we do so whether they need networking via point-to-point lines for central network elements (such as DCs or HQs) or backup solutions like internet feed or connections between Switzerland and other countries. GAS&COM closes the gaps wherever they might be.
The Speed of Light
Three years in a row at Suissedigital Day
We look back with great pleasure on our third participation in the Suissedigital Day in Bern. This important industry event in the