
GAS&COM guarantees security – We are the arteries of your data centres

The data centre is the heart of every company, as it stores important company information – its data. Therefore, it is vitally important that data centres operate with absolute reliability and security. Creating connec-tions between an increasing number of virtual and physical devices, as well as managing them and keeping them secure, is a major challenge today.

We guarantee absolute security, reliability and redundancy for your needs and for those of your customers. Our solutions in the areas of Dark Fibre and DWDM services ensure that we can not only meet your current and future requirements, but that we can also support you with further expansion and optimisation.

Do you need new connections for a new customer or connections between your own DC sites? We optimise existing solutions and develop technical offers for your own needs and for those of your end customers.

What makes us different are our unique security aspects, the simplicity and speed of implementation and deployment as well as the best value for money for you.

Data centres trust us for many reasons

  • For more than 20 years we have been the Swiss fibre optic network operator with the safest and fastest data connections.
  • Our DWDM network with active nodes throughout Switzerland and Liechtenstein enables us to offer reliable connections between your locations.
    All resources are based 100 % in Switzerland.
    Shortest commissioning time for a new service in Switzerland.
  • Wherever possible, all our routes are designed according to the “low latency” principle, which is why our network is in great demand for international projects.
  • Swiss Data Center Link for connections to and between all data centres.
    NOC in Switzerland, available 24/7.
  • Simple, personal and uncomplicated handling in an emergency.
    Rapid development of new locations possible, depending on the business case.

We are your ideal partner for the safest, fastest and most efficient data connection in Switzerland. From consulting to maintenance, we have been meeting the highest quality requirements for more than 20 years.

Swiss Datacenter Link

powered by GAS&COM

Eine unvergleichbare Dienstleistung, speziell entwickelt für höchste Ansprüche an Rechenzentrumskopplungen.

  • 100%ig schweizerische, neutrale Lösung
  • On-Net-Verbindung zu jedem (grossen) Schweizer Datacenter
  • Sicherste Verbindung auf dem Markt mit SLA
  • Sehr grosse Bandbreiten möglich
  • Redundante Anbindung möglich
  • Low-Latency-Verbindungen